Dedicate to an unwavering quest for continual growth and improvement.

Things About My Life,Experience,Research,learning Materials

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THe existence of curiosity, Has it Reason.

Education Experience



USTC,2017-2021 Department of Chemistry and Mateial science,Major in Material Physics

Summer Session


Course Physics 137A,Math 104

Summer Research


Work with Prof. Brenda Rubenstein's group, Experiences on Machine Leaning Accelerate Surface's Properties' Prediction



Work in Prof. Donglei Fan's group and I am currently involved in the development of Surface Enhancement Raman Spectroscopy techniques, Density Function Theory calculations, Finite Element analysis, and molecular dynamic simulations.


Research Interest

Stochaostic Electron Structure

understanding and predicting the behavior of electrons in materials under various conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and external fields

ML&DL&CHEM Hybrid Area

Aims to provide a better understanding of materials behavior, predict material properties and their response to various stimuli, and accelerate the discovery of new materials.

Micro-Nano Scale Manipulation

the techniques and tools used to manipulate, control, and measure materials and structures at the micro and nano scale
Bring New Method To Disease Therapy



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Class Material Explorer

Pathway to learning different types of techniques, my second brain. Goal-oriented learning

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— Open to any suggestions and opinions
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ustc_mitlb at
bin_lian at

© Bin(Jakie) Lian